Work with us

Thank you for your interest in Nearly Wild Camping. We are a non-profit co-operative network of campers, landowners, retailers, influencers, YouTubers, bloggers etc. based mainly in the UK. We welcome any news items, magazine articles, podcasts, radio mentions etc. We will happily provide any information or photos that you need. Just get in touch.

If you or your brand would like to work with us we are open to ideas so long as they are relevent to our other content and in-line with our ethos.

Our current reach:

Family Memberships 7,000+ (circa 20,000 people)

Facebook 60,000+

Instagram 26,000+

Twitter 1,600+

TikTok 4000+

Mailing list 10,000+

Website – thousands of new and returning customers each month

Camping locations: around 300

‘Wild camping and more’ – Lee’s YouTube channel 1300+

We also have extended reach via our Business Partners and Ambassadors

How would you like to work with us?

Fill out the form below to tell us how you would like to work with us.